124 research outputs found

    The frequency of lumbago syndrome in specialist medical services

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    Lumbalni sindrom sreće se u svakodnevnoj Iekarskoj praksi veoma često. Ovom problematikom bave se Iekari opšte prakse, neurolozi, ortopedi, reumatolozi, neurohirurzi i fizijatri, ali sa različitih aspekata. Pošto se radi o složenoj problematici, to ovaj entitet iziskuje multidiscipliniranost, odnosno timski rad. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da ukaže na opterećenost specijalističkih službi problemom lumbalnog sindroma u medicinskoj službi Kragujevca. Analiza je obuhvatila službe gde se ovaj entitet naj češće pojavljuje: a to su ortopedska i neuropsihijatnijska te služba fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije. Prema dobijenim procentualnirn vrednost ima u odnosu na ukupan morbiditet u pojedinim službama, najveći procenat se javlja kod neuropsihijatrijske službe (7,9%). Analiza je obuhvatila i pokazatelje prema polu, profesiji d dobi gde su uočene zakonitosti koje ne odstupaju od dosadašnjih rezultata u domaćoj i stranoj literaturi.The appearance of lumbago syndrome in several specialized medical services and its relation to overall morbidity rates were analysed over a period of five years. The analysis of patients seen in orthopaedic, neuropsychiatric and physiatric services showed Iumbago syndrome to account for the followinig percentages in the overall morbidity rates: 7.93 per cent in the neuropsychiatric service, 4.21 per cent in the physiatric service and 3.93 per cent in the orthopaedic service

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cement Composites Made With Expanded Clay and Expanded Glass

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    The results of experimental tests, conducted on Self-compacting concrete (SCC) made with lightweight aggregate and fly ash/silica fume, will be presented in this paper. Two types of lightweight aggregate were used, namely expanded clay and expanded glass (also known as "poraver")

    Specifičnosti tehnologije spravljanja betona na bazi recikliranog agregata

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    This state-of-the-art paper deals with the differences in production technology of concrete made with recycled aggregate. The properties of recycled aggregate, as a component for new concrete production, are being analyzed in the first part of the paper as well as its specifics and distinctions in comparison to natural aggregate. Two-stage-mixing approaches, as a way to achieve concrete performance improvement, are also described and the examples of recycled aggregate concrete mixing with the addition of silica fume are given. The influence of variation of concrete component materials dosage is also analyzed. Further more, the examples of mortar component removal from recycled aggregate are described (e.g. with the aid of different acids) with the influence of this process on physical and mechanical properties of new concrete. Also, different ways of preparation of recycled aggregate (air-dried, water-saturated, surface-dry and oven-dried) are discussed. At the end, general guidelines for recycled aggregate concrete mix design are given.Ovaj pregledni rad govori o specifičnostima tehnologije spravljanja betona na bazi recikliranog agregata. U prvom delu rada analiziraju se svojstva recikliranog agregata kao komponente za spravljanje novog betona, njegove specifičnosti i razlike u odnosu na prirodni agregat. Daju se opisi mešanja iz dve faze koje se primenjuje u cilju poboljšanja performansi novog betona, kao i primeri spravljanja betona na bazi recikliranog agregata sa dodatkom silikatne prašine. Analiziran je i uticaj promene redosleda doziranja sastavnih komponenata betona. Dalje, prikazani su primeri u kojima se opisuju načini uklanjanja malterske komponente sa recikliranog agregata, npr. pomoću različitih kiselina, sa uticajem na fizička i mehanička svojstva novodobijenih betona, a takođe i različiti načini pripreme recikliranog agregata (sušen na vazduhu, sušen u sušnici i vodomzasićen+površinski suv). Na kraju, prikazuju se generalne smernice za proces projektovanja sastava betona na bazi recikliranog agregata

    Istraživanje kompozita na bazi cementa spravljenih sa recikliranom gumom kao agregatom

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    The results of experimental investigations performed on cement based composites made with addition of recycled rubber as a partial replacement of natural river aggregate are presented in this paper. Different properties of cement based mortar were analyzed, both in fresh and in hardened state. The tested properties in the fresh state included density, consistency and volume of entrained air. In the hardened state, the following properties were tested: density, mechanical properties (compressive and flexural strength), modulus of elasticity, adhesion to concrete substrate, water absorption, freeze-thaw resistance and ultrasonic pulse velocity. The obtained results indicate that recycled rubber can be successfully applied as a partial replacement of natural river aggregate in cement based composites, in accordance with the sustainable development concept. The investigation showed that physical-mechanical properties of cementituous composites depend to a great extent on the percentage of replacement of natural river aggregate with recycled rubber, especially when the density, strength, adhesion and freeze-thaw resistance are concerned. The best results were obtained in the freeze-thaw resistance of such composites.U radu su prikazani rezultati sopstvenih eksperimentalnih istraživanja sprovedenih na cementnim kompozitima spravljenim sa dodatkom reciklirane gume kao delimičnom zamenom sitnog rečnog agregata. Analizirana su različita svojstva cementnih maltera kako u svežem, tako i u očvrslom stanju. Od svojstava u svežem stanju ispitani su: zapreminska masa, konzistencija i sadržaj uvučenog vazduha. U očvrslom stanju, ispitana su sledeća svojstva: zapreminska masa, mehanička svojstva (čvrstoća pri pritisku i pri savijanju), modul elastičnosti, athezija za betonsku podlogu, upijanje vode, otpornost na mraz i brzina prostiranja ultrazvuka. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da se reciklirana guma može uspešno upotrebiti kao delimična zamena za klasičan (rečni) agregat kod kompozita spravljenih na bazi cementa, u skladu sa konceptom održivog razvoja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da od procenta zamene rečnog agregata recikliranom gumom u velikoj meri zavise fizičko-mehanička svojstva cementnih kompozita, a naročito zapreminska masa, čvrstoća, adhezija i otpornost na dejstvo mraza. Najbolji rezultati dobijeni su pri ispitivanju otpornosti na dejstvo mraza

    Relevantne statičke i dinamičke metode za ocenu žilavosti mikroarmiranih betona

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    The paper deals with contemporary methods and relevant technical regulation in the field of toughness testing and evaluation of fiber-reinforced cement composites subjected to specific static loads (flexural and wedge-splitting tests), as well as to dynamic loads (impact and cyclic fatigue tests). Fibers are usually added to concrete in order to improve some of the composite's physical, mechanical, deformation, rheological and/or technological properties, such as: tensile and flexural strength, impact resistance, shrinkage, fatigue resistance, durability in different environment conditions, etc. To obtain these goals, it is essential to achieve the best possible interaction between the fibers and the cement-based matrix. The improved performance of fiber reinforced concrete is most significant when the enhancement of fracture energy absorption capacity (i.e. improvement of toughness) is concerned. The results obtained during static and dynamic testing of toughness (ductility) parameters can be very important, especially in order to compare the properties of different types of fiber reinforced composites, but also to solve specific practical engineering problems.U radu su prikazane savremene metode i relevantna tehnička regulativa u oblasti ispitivanja i ocene žilavosti mikroarmiranih kompozita izloženih specifičnim statičkim (savijanje i cepanje pomoću klina), kao i dinamičkim opterećenjima (udar i ciklični zamor materijala). Vlakna se obično dodaju betonu u cilju poboljšanja nekih fizičkih, mehaničkih, deformacionih, reoloških i/ili tehnoloških svojstava ovog kompozita, kao što su na primer: čvrstoća pri zatezanju, čvrstoća pri savijanju, udarna otpornost, deformacije skupljanja, otpornost na ciklični zamor, trajnost u različitim uslovima sredine, itd. Da bi se postigli navedeni ciljevi, suštinski je važno ostvariti najbolju moguću interakciju između vlakana i cementne matrice. Poboljšane performanse mikroarmiranih betona su najizraženije u domenu povećanja kapaciteta apsorbovanja energije loma - tj. povećanja žilavosti predmetnih kompozita. Eksperimentalni rezultati dobijeni tokom statičkih i dinamičkih ispitivanja parametara žilavosti (odnosno duktilnosti) mogu da budu veoma značajni, naročito u cilju poređenja svojstava različitih tipova mikroarmiranih kompozita, ali takođe i u slučaju rešavanja specifičnih inženjerskih problema u praksi

    Mogućnost primene samozbijajućeg betona

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    The results of laboratory testing of self-compacting concrete (SCC) made with a new-generation superplasticizer are presented in this paper. The testing was performed both in normal curing conditions (specimens cured in water with temperature 20±2°C), as well as using accelerated hardening regime - steaming (inside the heating chamber at 70°C). The density and technological parameters of the fresh concrete ("Slump-flow Test" and "L-box Test") were measured first, and later (after 8h, 24h, 7 days and 28 days) the density of the hardened concrete as well as the compressive strength were measured. The obtained results show undoubtedly that the tested self-compacting concrete may be successfully applied in the process of precasting of concrete elements.U radu se prikazuju rezultati ispitivanja samozbijajućeg betona (Self Compacting Concrete) spravljenog sa superplastifikatorom najnovije generacije, kako u uslovima normalnog očvršćavanja (u vodi temperature 20±2°C), tako i u režimu ubrzanog očvršćavanja putem zaparivanja (u klima komori na temperaturi 70°C). Na svežem betonu ispitivane su zapreminska masa i parametri tehnologičnosti mešavine ("Slump-flow Test" i "L-boh Test"), dok su na očvrslom betonu ispitivane zapreminska masa i čvrstoća pri pritisku (na 8h, 24h, 7 dana i 28 dana). Dobijem rezultati nedvosmisleno pokazuju da se predmetni samozbijajući beton može veoma uspešno primeniti u procesu prefabrikacije betonskih elemenata

    Mogućnost primene samozbijajućeg betona

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    The results of laboratory testing of self-compacting concrete (SCC) made with a new-generation superplasticizer are presented in this paper. The testing was performed both in normal curing conditions (specimens cured in water with temperature 20±2°C), as well as using accelerated hardening regime - steaming (inside the heating chamber at 70°C). The density and technological parameters of the fresh concrete ("Slump-flow Test" and "L-box Test") were measured first, and later (after 8h, 24h, 7 days and 28 days) the density of the hardened concrete as well as the compressive strength were measured. The obtained results show undoubtedly that the tested self-compacting concrete may be successfully applied in the process of precasting of concrete elements.U radu se prikazuju rezultati ispitivanja samozbijajućeg betona (Self Compacting Concrete) spravljenog sa superplastifikatorom najnovije generacije, kako u uslovima normalnog očvršćavanja (u vodi temperature 20±2°C), tako i u režimu ubrzanog očvršćavanja putem zaparivanja (u klima komori na temperaturi 70°C). Na svežem betonu ispitivane su zapreminska masa i parametri tehnologičnosti mešavine ("Slump-flow Test" i "L-boh Test"), dok su na očvrslom betonu ispitivane zapreminska masa i čvrstoća pri pritisku (na 8h, 24h, 7 dana i 28 dana). Dobijem rezultati nedvosmisleno pokazuju da se predmetni samozbijajući beton može veoma uspešno primeniti u procesu prefabrikacije betonskih elemenata

    Jedan slučaj ispitivanja otpornosti pregradnih zidova na dejstvo bočnih udara

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    This paper deals with one example of actual investigation of partition walls    subjected to lateral stroke. The investigation of a subject is referred to    by the mason walls technical norms regulation book, but the Regulation book    doesn't provide an actual method for this particular investigation. In the    lack of such method, internal method of IMK is actually applied. This    method is presented here both in sense of materialization of a procedure,    and as it's illustration on a specific building and partition walls inside    it. .U radu se daje primer jednog konkretnog ispitivanja pregradnih zidova na      dejstvo bočnih udara. Predmetno ispitivanje je propisano Pravilnikom o      tehničkim normativima za zidane zidove, ali tim Pravilnikom nije predviđena     konkretna metoda ispitivanja. U nedostatku te metode u praksi se primenjuje    interna metoda IMK koja je u predmetnom radu prikazana kako u smislu      materijalizacije postupka, tako i njene ilustracije na jednom konkretnom      objektu i pregradnim zidovima unutar njega.